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Neo Tools Electric heat gun, 2kW, 20m sq, 139m cubic/h, ceramic heating element (PTC), portable, black

SKU: 90-060
Technical characteristics Neo Tools Electric heat gun, 2kW, 20m sq, 139m cubic/h, ceramic heating element (PTC), portable, black:
Main features
Full list of features
A type ceramic heater
Setting floor
Space heating 20 sq m
Heating power max. 2 kW
Colour black
The weight 1.78 kg
Dimensions 26.5 x 21.6 cm
Mobility handle for convenient transportation
Main characteristics
A type ceramic heater
Setting floor
Space heating 20 sq m
Heating power max. 2 kW
Heating element PTC
Thermostat регулируемый
Disabling rollover
Physical characteristics
Colour black
The weight 1.78 kg
Dimensions 26.5 x 21.6 cm
Mobility handle for convenient transportation
Capabilities switch
Low energy consumption
Low noise level
With a windmill
Without steam, odors and moisture
Turns off automatically
Removable packing handle
The heating will be adjusted to the ambient temperature change
Warranty 24 months
Package dimensions
Width 260 mm
Height 310 mm
Length 180 mm
Weight 1.78 kg
Volume 0.0145 m3
Electric heat gun 90-060 is a portable heat source designed for heating premises such as workshops, garages, households, shops. The ceramic heating element (PTC) and strong airflow provide fast heating over a long distance with low noise. The heat gun is equipped with an insulated plastic handle for easy carrying. The powder coated housing protects the device from corrosion.
1380 UAH*
in stock
* Recommended retail price
Where to buy: Neo Tools Electric heat gun, 2kW, 20m sq, 139m cubic/h, ceramic heating element (PTC), portable, black:
Online stores
Обогреватель Neo Tools 2 кВт, PTC (90-060)
Обігрівач керамічний переносний NEO TOOLS, PTC, 2 кВт, 20 м2, 139 м3 / год
Теплова гармата електрична Neo Tools, 2кВт, 20м кв, 139м куб/год, керамічний нагрів. елемент (PTC), переносна, чорний (90-060)
Тепловая пушка электрическая Neo Tools, 2кВт, 20м2, 139м3/ч, нагр.элемент - керам. (PTC), переносная
Обогреватель керамический переносной Neo Tools 90-060 2 кВт, 20м2, 139 м3/ч
National networks
Обогреватель электрический NEO tools 90-060 2 кВт 220 В
Фокстрот (Foxtrot.com.ua)
Керамічний обігрівач NEO TOOLS 90-060
The power of the device is 2 kW, the air flow is 139 m3/h, and the ceramic heating element (PTC) has a long service life. An adjustable thermostat and switch allow the heater to adapt to changes in ambient temperature, and the fan ensures there is no steam, odors or moisture.

The heater is characterized by increased safety of use - the device automatically turns off when tipped over. It has low noise level. It is economical to use, and its robust and durable design will last for many seasons of use. This appliance is only suitable for occasional use or for use in well-insulated areas.

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